Why Buy a Security Door with a Three-Point Lock?

Posted on: 29 November 2018

While security doors are stronger than regular doors, this doesn't mean that you don't need to think about the lock that comes with the door. Regular security door locks do an effective job, but you might get even better protection by choosing an upgraded locking mechanism such as a three-point lock.

What are three-point locks and why are they such a good option?

What Is a Three-Point Lock?

Standard security door locks have one lock on the door. This is located by the door's handle. When you lock the door, the bolt engages in the mechanism and secures the door.

A three-point lock has three locks rather than one. It still locks by the handle; however, it adds a locking mechanism at the top of the door and one at the bottom. To use this kind of lock, you typically use the handle to engage the top and bottom locks. You then lock the door centrally as usual with your key.

What Are the Benefits of a Three-Point Lock?

While security door locks are all robust, standard locks may not be enough to deter someone who really wants to get inside the door. The lock itself may be secure enough to keep them out, but it doesn't necessarily keep the whole of the door locked tightly in place.

An intruder may not be able to breach the door by the central lock area, but they can try to open the door from the top or bottom edges. If someone can get hold of an edge and pull it out, then the door may start to come away from its frame. With enough force or the right tools, this could ultimately break the lock and open the door.

A three-point lock makes this harder. If a door has a three-point lock, it has a lock at its top, middle and bottom. This makes it far harder for someone to pull parts of the door loose as the whole door is held more firmly in place right down its locking edge. This also gives the door more stability spread when it is locked. So, if someone tried to bash the door in, it is less likely to get damaged. The door has fewer weak points and three locks to break down.

If you find yourself needing a three-point lock for one of the doors in your home or business, ask your security door supplier for advice.
