Could Embassy Standards Help You When Choosing a Security Door?

Posted on: 20 October 2020

Suppose you have some highly valued assets that you need to safeguard and they are simply not suitable for a bank vault or other commercial solution. In that case, you will need to make sure that your property is adequately protected. You may need to remove any access points that could easily be compromised and fit the highest quality security door you can find. But did you know that the US State Department has a series of tests that can determine how resistant a particular door could be to an onslaught? What is involved, and could these tests be beneficial to you?

Dealing With Risk

For one reason or another, US embassies around the world are particularly vulnerable to an attack. Due to this threat, the government created a standard for all buildings and hardware, to make sure they could stand up to such an onslaught in a variety of different scenarios.

The American government has laid down certain standards and testing methodology, and any doors that are made for use in such a facility have to pass before they can be installed. Basically, the door has to stand up to a concerted attempt by a team of attackers trying to exploit any weak points as they work to gain entry. A range of tests will simulate an attack that takes place over a given number of minutes, with the bad guys attempting to break the lock, hinges or penetrate through the structure of the door itself.

Doors are rated based on whether they can stand up to a total of five, 15 or 60 minutes of onslaught without failure. These products are then used to protect assets of varying value.

Peace of Mind

If you want to go the extra distance and make sure that your assets are protected from almost any eventuality, you can take advantage of this technology. Some commercial manufacturers build doors that are rated according to these standards, and while there is no requirement that says that a security door has to conform, this extra effort should certainly help you sleep more soundly at night.

Exploring Your Options

Talk with your security door supplier and ask them how safe their products really are. See if they can provide you with a door that matches the most stringent standards laid down by the American government. While you may not have as much at stake, it pays to be as safe as possible today.
